Artist Talk: Tune in to Green – Exhibition Six

Another enjoyable Tune in to Green Artist Talk in the books! Some of the artists, with work in Tune in to Green – Exhibition Six, talked video art; dance and the landscape; unfolding storytelling; VJ’ing; foraging for food and found footage; how both wasps and bees are important pollinators that will leave you alone if you leave them alone…or feed them sugar water; and more! To listen to the recording with Mary Trunk – Los Angeles, California + Rachel Wagner / REW – Columbus, OHIO + Paulius Sliaupa – Lithuania / Belgium + the host, Stephanie Reid – Austin, Texas, click the play button below.
Tune in to Green – Exhibition Five closing February 28th

The micro-short videos (under 5-minutes) in the Tune in to Green series can be thought of as sketches. They are visual representations of ideas revolving around the anthropocene era, or plantationocene as some prefer to call it after Donna Haraway. One way or another the international artists in each exhibition express a question, mood, philosophy, and/or story about humanity’s need to evolve beyond its centuries-old battle with nature and instead find ways to integrate human society with it. Through video poems, experimental audiovisual pieces, expanded documentaries, and journalism, we are presented with new ways of looking at old problems or ways to appreciate the beauty around us with fresh eyes. Watch the trailer or rent the show at or the Diorama Room home page. Exhibition Five ends on 2/28/2022.