Tune in to Green – Minor Chord 2 : Live screening recap

The third live screening of a Tune in to Green exhibition took place at The Brewtorium event space in Austin, Texas.
On the night of Saturday, October 29th, eleven people were in attendance to watch the seventeen short films in the Minor Chord 2 exhibition, with sound and images fitting the autumn season. The 77-minute compilation is available to rent for $7 USD, through November 30th at https://vimeo.com/ondemand/tuneintogreen.
Featured works are by:
Arjanmar H. Rebeta – Philippines; Kevin Vanscoder – Columbus, Ohio; Luis Carlos Rodríguez García – Valladolid, Spain; Eduardo Gutierrez Carrera – Lima, Perú; Ellen Wetmore – Massachusetts; Laura Gillis – Toronto, Canada; Sarah Ellen Lundy – Sligo, Ireland; Nixie Unterwelt – New York / Austin; Äggie Pak Yee Lee – Hong Kong / Estonia; Claudine Metrick – New York; Carles Pamies – Barcelona, Spain; Camila Perales – La Paz, Bolivia; Hannah Hamalian – Eugene, Oregon; Tess Elliot – Norman, Oklahoma; Stephanie Reid – Austin, Texas; Alexandre Ries – Lille, France; Elin Johnston – Belfast, Northern Ireland
We kicked off the night with good food, beer, and Halloween candy. Before pressing play, the program and the other Austin film maker in the show, Nixie Unterwelt, were introduced.
- audience watches Sarah Ellen Lundy’s film “Eye”
Three films received handclaps, one received laughter, and another invoked riotous cheers fitting with its rock ‘n’ roll aesthetic. As with all of the other Tune in to Green exhibitions, the curation and production value were praised.
Some remarks after the screening were:
“This is one of the most thought-provoking programs I have ever watched…and I’m very critical.”
Regarding the triptych of tree-death films (Growing Closure by Hannah Hamalian, 77 Genesee Bay Boulevard by Tess Elliot, and Elegy in Dust by Stephanie Reid): “It was really painful to watch those trees being killed.” “Yes, and these were in three cities far apart, so know that this is happening all over the world every day.”
Regarding Claudine Metrick’s film The Wink, “The wasps seem to represent being forced to see or experience things you really don’t want to.” “Yes, maybe they are a not so veiled reference to the W.A.S.P. behaviour in our culture.”
“The mood of the films made me feel cold, just like autumn.”
Regarding Alexandre Ries’s film Puu O))), “The sound washes over you in perfect sync with the reflections and waves so I thought the video was done with special effects, but it’s not is it?” “No, I don’t think it is.”
Those who decided to stay after the screening ended the night in the beautifully landscaped beer garden in perfect weather.
- I surprised Nixie with a toy in honor of the angler fish in her film “Dying Birthday”
- Three-Eyed Raven
Tune in to Green – Minor Chord 2 / Short films live screening at The Brewtorium, Austin, Texas / October 29, 2022 at 7:15 PM

Diorama Room Arts cordially invites you to:
a live screening of our autumn Tune in to Green short film exhibition, Minor Chord 2
The 78-minute program features micro-short films and sound work by experimental and expanded documentary makers around the globe. Themes such as colored leaves, decay, death, Dia de los Muertos, strange creatures, and more are presented in a myriad of forms including animation, 16mm film, video with effects, and performance.
To watch the trailer, purchase $10 tickets, and get more info visit https://minorchord2.eventbrite.com
Tune in to Green – Exhibition Seven : Virtual Artists’ Chat

from upper right to left: Ebba Jahn (Berlin), Stephanie Reid (Austin, TX), Leslie Kell (Manchaca, TX), copywritten Tune in to Green logo, Daniel Lofgren (Hudson Valley, NY), and Caroline Walker (Austin, TX)
Some of the Tune in to Green – Exhibition Seven film makers virtually gathered to chat last weekend. Ebba Jahn, Leslie Kell, Daniel Lofgren, and myself (Stephanie Reid) were joined by guest artist, Caroline Walker. We discussed past and present art practices, the hope for future collaborations of immersive and augmented reality installations, the difficulties of monetizing art, and climate change news.
Watch the recording at https://vimeo.com/741672121 or read the synopsis below.
Ebba Jahn let us know that due to high temperatures and little rain, the Rhine River in Germany, where she lives, is so low that shipping boats are having to lighten their loads in order to be able to float. She also reported that melting glaciers are causing rocks that have been trapped inside of them to frequently fall from the mountains to the valleys below where people live. They are constantly having to look up to make sure they don’t get struck by one!
Stephanie Reid discussed the recent news about monarch butterflies being placed on the endangered list and the need for organic gardening and to support organic farmers, and to vote for politicians who will protect the environment. Reid, who worked as an organic gardening consultant at Garden.com, and as head (organic) gardener for a short-term rental property owner, gave a brief description of organic gardening. She also offered her services to anyone who need more info or assistance with this type of stewardship. Leslie Kell reminded us to plant lots of milkweek for the monarchs. Both noted that compared to recent years, not as many were seen this season.
Daniel Lofgren introduced us to the exceptionally cool art venue, Widow Jane Mine. The space is a labyrinth of caverns, which used to be a cement mine. A mushroom farm was also located there after the mining business closed there. Due to its exceptional acoustics, it makes a desirable location for performing artists of all kinds.
Artist Talk: Tune in to Green – Exhibition Six

Another enjoyable Tune in to Green Artist Talk in the books! Some of the artists, with work in Tune in to Green – Exhibition Six, talked video art; dance and the landscape; unfolding storytelling; VJ’ing; foraging for food and found footage; how both wasps and bees are important pollinators that will leave you alone if you leave them alone…or feed them sugar water; and more! To listen to the recording with Mary Trunk – Los Angeles, California + Rachel Wagner / REW – Columbus, OHIO + Paulius Sliaupa – Lithuania / Belgium + the host, Stephanie Reid – Austin, Texas, click the play button below.
Rent “Tune in to Green – Exhibition Six” before midnight to get $2 off!

In honor of Earth Day weekend, Tune in to Green – Exhibition Six will be $2 USD off the regular $7 rental price. That’s $5 for an hour of short films by international artists working in dialogue with nature. Offer expires on 4/24 at midnight U.S. Central Standard Time. To view the trailer and/or rent the show, visit https://vimeo.com/ondemand/tuneintogreen
Tune in to Green – Exhibition Six, Live Screening!

To watch the trailer, get more info, and purchase tickets visit: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/304441571937
Tune in to Green – Exhibition Six features micro-short films and sound pieces by experimental and expanded documentary makers around the globe. Themes such as Spring, care, motherhood, and femininity are presented in this show, using a myriad of forms and colors from 2D + 3D animation, 16mm film, video + effects, to dance.
Tune in to Green – Exhibition Five closing February 28th

The micro-short videos (under 5-minutes) in the Tune in to Green series can be thought of as sketches. They are visual representations of ideas revolving around the anthropocene era, or plantationocene as some prefer to call it after Donna Haraway. One way or another the international artists in each exhibition express a question, mood, philosophy, and/or story about humanity’s need to evolve beyond its centuries-old battle with nature and instead find ways to integrate human society with it. Through video poems, experimental audiovisual pieces, expanded documentaries, and journalism, we are presented with new ways of looking at old problems or ways to appreciate the beauty around us with fresh eyes. Watch the trailer or rent the show at https://vimeo.com/ondemand/tuneintogreen or the Diorama Room home page. Exhibition Five ends on 2/28/2022.