
Tune in to Green – Minor Chord 2 : Virtual Artists’ Talk

On November 20, 2022, a few of the artists with films in Tune in to Green, Minor Chord 2, which ran from September 2-December 2, 2022, met for a virtual conversation about our films, current projects, and environmental topics. Alexandre Ries (pronounced: Reece) joined from Northern France, Tess Elliot joined from Norman, OK and Claudine Metrick joined from New York state. I didn’t post the video this time because it contains future work by Alexandre and he may prefer that I don’t share it publicly. Instead, a synopsis of our talk follows.


Tess talked about how Super 8mm film, 77 Genesee Bay Boulevard, in which she documents the destruction of a residential property including a 150-year-old Long Island Elm tree, is a plea to protect trees. By using black and white film stock she is able to appeal to nostalgia through the gritty silver grains and less than tack sharp focus. It is a call to consider what we value in our decisions for land use and domestic space. It was surprising to hear that the owners were unable to sell the property for years until they finally gave up and sold it to a family who wanted a massive house that covers the whole property, including the space where the tree was. She mentioned that like I touched upon in my film, Elegy in Dust, there were a lot of animals who were displaced from the tree.

We discussed local laws about cutting down trees.  In Austin, Texas cutting down trees, even on private property, that are over 19 inches in diameter requires a permit and may not be granted. There is also a special HERITAGE TREE ordinance, for trees with a diameter of 24 inches or more, measured four and one-half feet above natural grade, and is one of the following species: (a) Texas Ash (b) Bald Cypress (c) American Elm (d) Cedar Elm, Cedar (e) Texas Madrone (f) Bigtooth Maple (g) All Oaks (h) Pecan (i) Arizona Walnut, and (j) Eastern Black Walnut. Only when serious issues such as disease or death of the tree arise may an approval be given by the Planning and Development Review Department to remove it.

Tess said that there is a movement in Norman that has urged the city council to protect the trees, especially when trees are severely cut back or removed all together, close to power lines, instead of trimming them judiciously.

Where Alexandre lives, in Northern France, there isn’t much nature, especially trees. There are fields between towns, but there isn’t an urban forest, which explains his practice of needing to go to remote areas to create. He goes far away from civilization so that he can have more spontaneous and immediate experiences with nature, where intellectual thinking falls away, you become more pragmatic and in tune with senses. He stays in national parks with tent, backpack, and catches ideas instinctively, no scripts or preconceived ideas lead his projects.

Claudine started a native plant garden at her home and observes the relationships between those host plants and the wildlife in the area. She has been enveloping her art practice in those observations through painting and stop motion animations of her paintings, like her film Wink featured in Minor Chord 2.

I mentioned have also enjoyed developing and intimacy with the land immediately near me, through gardening in the same space for the past five years of living at my current residence where there are a dozen trees of different types. I have never lived anywhere with this kind of landscape, so it is a new and wonderful experience. I have enjoyed watching all the different types of birds and learning what each kind likes to eat and their behaviors.

Tess moved into rental property recently and decided that for the first year she will let everything be without mowing it down or cutting it way. This has allowed her to observe and do research to learn about what was naturally occurring. There was a vine that her neighbor told her she could take out, but then she found out it was a native butterfly attractor related to milkweed. She laughed that she will probably get a fine from the city.

I asked if any of them had read The Overstory by Richard Powers. There is a couple in the book that do get tickets from the city for letting their yard become overgrown like a forest.

Tess recommended the book, The Dawn of Everything. She explained that it is a story that attempts to set the record straight on how human civilization evolved and elucidate how our current records are heavily biased. It presents the idea that agriculture didn’t necessarily lead to private property and inequalities, but instead for thousands of years existed as a community with small gardens based on relationship with cultivating plants and animals, until the idea to turn agriculture into a money-making machine took hold and lead to hierarchical, bureaucratic structures.

I mentioned taking a foraging class at the Ladybird Johnson Wildflower Center. I learned about things in my own back yard that can be eaten and are tasty like wood sorrell, which tastes lemony, hackberries, and turk’s cap. The teacher pointed out that many invasives that are here, like hackberry trees were brought here because they are beautiful and/or provide food that humans enjoy eating. This means that animals also like to eat them and quickly disperse their seeds. I think it’s fun and empowering to learn about things in the wild that are safe to eat. It seems like it would be helpful to teach people experiencing homelessness, and living in parks, how to identify these plants. I would like to somehow organize this in the future.


Next, we discussed other projects we are working on.

Like his film in Minor Chord II, titled Puu O)))) (Puu means tree in Finnish and the rest is a concentric circle on water with waves) Alexandre is doing another synesthesia film with the same musician. However, this time the musician will play live to the film and improvise on guitar with effects to create a sound atmosphere with pacing similar to the drone music genre, but not using electronic instruments. The setting is in Lapland, Norway from a boat. Like all locations in the extreme north, the light in summer lasts a long time. Therefore, he decided to make a time and duration piece about light. Tess enjoyed the painterly quality of the clips he shared. I enjoyed seeing the extended Scandinavian light in color because often you see them in B&W. Claudine felt a stunning sense of solitude and stillness. I felt they were calming but stimulating at the same time. There is an anticipation of what changes will happen next. I imagine that the music will heighten that aspect of it. Hopefully, Diorama Room can host this project in the next year or two.

Tess shared past ecologically themed work. First was an augmented reality application called Infinite Oaks which was completed during a studio in place program at Oklahoma Contemporary Arts Center. By holding up a phone on the grounds of the center, which primarily consists of mowed grass and ornamental grasses, the app imagines reintroducing the endangered native ecosystems, cross timber species and plains species, to the area. Other sites were in response to the George Floyd tragedy and allowed users to visualize native grasses, trees, and flowers in urban spaces as a way to imagine erasure of institutions of oppression.

Claudine was reminded of Joseph Beuys 7,000 Oaks where he arranged and was involved in planting oak trees around Kassel, Germany in opposition to rapid urban development there.

I mentioned that I am trying to take a WEB AR class instead of spending a lot of money on an app like Artivive. She said it uses A-frame, with is like HTML, and since I know HTML, I should try it. Claudine mentioned Institute of Electronic Arts residencies at Alfred University in NY. Tess applied for one already!

Tess shared a second piece, BEZOZON, was a virtual reality installation that aimed to use tech to critique the power structure of the technological elite. When donning a VR head set you were transported into a simulation of cozy and sterile space station and from its window you can look out at the burning Amazon rain forest on Planet Earth below. It was a poignant glimpse of how ultra wealthy businessmen like Jeff Bezos of the company Amazon will escape the dying planet. Bezos’s space program Blue Origin was inspired by a 1970’s interview with Isaac Asimov where he posits that humans will live in space but return to Earth as tourists.

Tess is taking a break from technology-based projects at the moment because it requires a lot of effort and often the audience reaction feels like they treat the work like a disposable toy, a cool experience but the meaning behind the project taken seriously enough. Unfortunately, after the opening reception for BEZOZON, the COVID-19 pandemic started and so there were no more visitors of the virtual space station. Still, I hope she knows that projects that cause the public to pause and consider who and what they are supporting when they spend their money can have a positive effect that she may never know about. These kinds of critiques have definitely caused me to reflect and spend money at corporations as little as possible and instead support local small businesses.

Tess teaches at the university and shared with us that her students love seeing and working in 8mm and 16mm. They see it as a treasure. It requires more planning than digital, so you have to be more thoughtful. There is more in-camera editing and preparation of shots beforehand. However, it always was expensive and now even more so. There are also fewer labs to get the film developed. She thinks there is only one left in the U.S., in Los Angeles, where they charge $75 for roll (of 3 minutes of footage). Alexandre said in France there are eight labs where you can process your own.

Finally, I wanted to bring up a recent idea that I have been thinking of. In the English language, trees and birds are lumped into the common nouns category with things that aren’t alive like airplanes and cars, but human names and our geographical centers of social activities are capitalized proper nouns and so considered more important.  Therefore, I am trying to change my language to discontinue calling them “things”, and instead say “beings”, for example as in “green growing beings” vs. “green growing things”. Tess asked if I’d read Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer yet because she mentions something along those lines in there, which is the practice in Native American languages. I said I was about to read that so must on the right path!

Tune in to Green – Minor Chord 2 : Live screening recap

The third live screening of a Tune in to Green exhibition took place at The Brewtorium event space in Austin, Texas. 


On the night of Saturday, October 29th, eleven people were in attendance to watch the seventeen short films in the Minor Chord 2 exhibition, with sound and images fitting the autumn season. The 77-minute compilation is available to rent for $7 USD, through November 30th at

Featured works are by:

Arjanmar H. Rebeta – Philippines; Kevin Vanscoder – Columbus, Ohio; Luis Carlos Rodríguez García – Valladolid, Spain; Eduardo Gutierrez Carrera – Lima, Perú; Ellen Wetmore – Massachusetts; Laura Gillis – Toronto, Canada; Sarah Ellen Lundy – Sligo, Ireland; Nixie Unterwelt – New York / Austin; Äggie Pak Yee Lee – Hong Kong / Estonia; Claudine Metrick – New York; Carles Pamies – Barcelona, Spain; Camila Perales – La Paz, Bolivia; Hannah Hamalian – Eugene, Oregon; Tess Elliot – Norman, Oklahoma; Stephanie Reid – Austin, Texas; Alexandre Ries – Lille, France; Elin Johnston – Belfast, Northern Ireland

We kicked off the night with good food, beer, and Halloween candy. Before pressing play, the program and the other Austin film maker in the show, Nixie Unterwelt, were introduced. 


Three films received handclaps, one received laughter, and another invoked riotous cheers fitting with its rock ‘n’ roll aesthetic. As with all of the other Tune in to Green exhibitions, the curation and production value were praised.

Some remarks after the screening were:

“This is one of the most thought-provoking programs I have ever watched…and I’m very critical.”

Regarding the triptych of tree-death films (Growing Closure by Hannah Hamalian, 77 Genesee Bay Boulevard by Tess Elliot, and Elegy in Dust by Stephanie Reid):     “It was really painful to watch those trees being killed.” “Yes, and these were in three cities far apart, so know that this is happening all over the world every day.”

Regarding Claudine Metrick’s film The Wink, “The wasps seem to represent being forced to see or experience things you really don’t want to.” “Yes, maybe they are a not so veiled reference to the W.A.S.P. behaviour in our culture.”

“The mood of the films made me feel cold, just like autumn.”

Regarding Alexandre Ries’s film Puu O))), “The sound washes over you in perfect sync with the reflections and waves so I thought the video was done with special effects, but it’s not is it?” “No, I don’t think it is.”


Those who decided to stay after the screening ended the night in the beautifully landscaped beer garden in perfect weather.

Tune in to Green – Minor Chord 2 / Short films live screening at The Brewtorium, Austin, Texas / October 29, 2022 at 7:15 PM


Diorama Room Arts cordially invites you to:

                                           a live screening of our autumn Tune in to Green short film exhibition, Minor Chord 2

The 78-minute program features micro-short films and sound work by experimental and expanded documentary makers around the globe.  Themes such as colored leaves, decay, death, Dia de los Muertos, strange creatures, and more are presented in a myriad of forms including animation, 16mm film, video with effects, and performance.

To watch the trailer, purchase $10 tickets, and get more info visit


Organic Gardening as an Artist’s Gateway to the Natural World

Since its conception, I imagined Diorama Room as being an art space and garden where nature-based art and education can take place. Therefore, during the first Diorama Room hosted project, the Tune in to Green short film series, when we have virtual artist chats we spend some time talking about sustainable art practice, ways we can individually make a difference in the environment, engineering that is underway to assist with the climate crisis, etc. Due to the recent announcement that monarch butterflies are now an endangered species, our latest artist talk ended in brief discussion about organic gardening.

My background in gardening

I can speak on the topic because I gained experience as a gardener from a young age. My great-grandmother and great-grandfather ran a vegetable farm in Wisconsin and although the farm was gone by the time I was born, that side of the family showed me how to raise a wide variety of flowers, fruits, and veggies. My 7th grade science fair project was on the reproduction system of flowers. When I was in my late teen’s I procured close-up filters for my camera and quickly realized that insects were easily accessible subjects that made floral photography more interesting and challenging. Naturally, I wanted to learn about my subjects, so I always researched the plants and insects I encountered with my camera.

Because I lived in apartments, I became a container gardener and gained enough knowledge to get hired as a Garden Doctor, AKA organic gardening consultant, at People would call, send emails, or IM’s asking for plant and insect identification, care tips, and organic pest management tips. We would also recommend plants from our catalog of nurseries, based on their environment.

Over the years I finally had the opportunity to plant in raised beds, directly in the ground, and continued to container garden, gaining deeper hands-on knowledge along the way. Through all of my prior activities with gardening I garnered enough skills to take on the role as Head Gardener at a gorgeous Balinese-style, short-term rental property while earning my MFA.

The teachings from gardens – microcosms of the natural world

In 2021, a short experimental video I made about fireflies was included in a festival at the Ely Center for Contemporary Art in New Haven, CT. I was also selected to speak in a virtual round table talk, called Place, Pandemics, and The Suspension of Time with few other artists in the show, who also work with the environment in their practice. One of them was in Australia and let us know about the Sydney Festival/UTS Big Thinking Forum lecture called, The Art of Nature, on Youtube:

The hostess, Larissa Behrendt asks, “Can artists shape the way we think about the environment? What role can creative practitioners play in the transformation of our attitudes and behaviour?”

Amongst the three guests, the comments by Jason de Santolo, a Garrwa and Barunggam tribal member and expert on indigenous methodology and ethics, resonated the most for me. He talked about education that teaches people to be in touch with nature is key to the future of the planet. He affirmed that even intimate conversations on the environment can shift consciousness.

He discussed the writing by Tony Birch that speaks to knowing your own backyard, otherwise you don’t really even understand what you are protecting. Then he shared that he took time away from social media to learn from his partner about gardening and to plant organic seeds with their child to teach them the wonder of the living green world. Finally, he concurred with Birch by saying the garden is an excellent place to start getting a better understanding of the natural world.

Organic gardening 101

So, I’ve decided to put together some of basic organic gardening tips. First off, really get to know what each plant needs regarding amount of sun, type of soil, their companion plants, amount of water, and feeding needs. Some basic organic ingredients that plants love are compost, fish emulsion, and a slow-release organic fertilizer with low N-P-K (nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium) content. There are blends for a wide range of plants and ones that are more specific to particular plants, like hydrangeas. Many organic sources of nutrients smell unpleasant but you can wear a mask when you apply it to the soil. Chemical fertilizers with high N-P-K amounts flood plants may make them look nice in the short term, which is why many big box nursery suppliers use them but they wash out of the soil quickly. This suddenly leaves the plant without nutrients.

Organic plant foods are also better for the environment than commonly used, high-nitrogen, chemical mixes. High levels of nitrogen used in agriculture, and lawn and golf course maintenance, are one of the culprits responsible for algae blooms in waterways. Algal blooms prevent fish and other aquatic life from being able to come up for air. When these creatures die from lack of oxygen, water birds are also affected. Some types of algal blooms contain toxins which are harmful to humans and animals and have killed dogs, not to mention the water creatures who live and feed there.

The healthier your plants are, the better they are able to withstand disease and insect attacks, which brings me back to entomology. If you want to garden organically, you must get to know the insects in it. Otherwise, you may decide to kill an insect that is not going to harm your plants but is there to eat the insects decimating your garden. Therefore, always know what types of creatures can be affected by the chemicals you choose to spray. Many pesticides harm those beneficial insects, pollinators, birds, and mammals. An alternative is to create a barrier of plants you don’t mind getting eaten around the ones you hope will not.

Beneficial insects

A quick web search on beneficial insects will often turn up ladybugs and praying mantids but there are many others. The less we use chemicals, the more these types of insects will move in and help you control aphids, caterpillars (hopefully not monarchs), and mosquitoes much more effectively than spraying will. For example, at the end of a long heat spell, my milkweed was covered with aphids, and they were starting to gather on my pepper plants too. I tried crushing them and spraying the tops and bottoms of leaves with a combination of dish soap, neem oil, and water but they just kept coming in droves a day or two later. I noticed that a dozen ladybug larvae were snacking on them, so stopped spraying and within a few days the aphids were gone!

Here I would like to highlight some of the lesser-known facts about beneficial insects found in Central Texas and other places in the United States.

Ladybug larvae vs. Mealybugs – Here is a prime example of the internet dangerously steering people wrong. Let’s say you see some white fuzzy insects on your plants and aren’t sure what they are, so you search Google for some insight. Try it. You will find that the entire first page of results are for mealybugs, an insect that sucks the life out of plants. Sadly, due to this incomplete information, many of these wonderful garden helpers may have met their demise. The white fuzzy insects in your garden might actually be ladybug larvae! How to tell the difference: Gently poke the fuzzy white bug with a stick. If it toodles away quickly, it’s probably a ladybug larva. Are there lots of aphids on the plant? It’s probably ladybug larvae eating them. Ladybug larvae also look shaggier than mealybugs.

There are many types of lady beetles. They aren’t all red with black spots. Not all types of ladybugs have larvae that are white and fuzzy like in the photo below. Some look kind of like mini alligators. Their colors vary depending on which type of lady beetle they are. Some ladybugs look like flea beetles, which are both small and black but ladybugs are round, whereas flea beetles are elongated and spring away like fleas when touched. Flea beetles also tend to feed on plants in the brassica family – broccoli, mustard, radish, bok choy, and cabbage. They also like plants in the nightshade family – tomato, eggplant, and peppers. They also tend to make lots of small round holes in leaves. Again, if you see the beetle in question on leaves where there are lots of aphids and ladybug larvae but you aren’t sure which type of beetle it is, it’s probably best to leave them alone!

another type of ladybug larva…See how it looks kind of like a mini alligator?


Aphid mummies

If you see something that looks and feels like a hollow, puffed-up shell stuck to a leaf on a plant where a lot of aphids are present, you might wonder if it is an insect egg. These are actually called “aphid mummies”! A tiny wasp, called an aphid parasitoid, has inserted her eggs inside of the aphid. The larva hatches and develops inside of the aphid, which gradually stretches out and dries up into a soft shell which the larvae eventually pupates inside of, like when a butterfly caterpillar creates a chrysalis around itself. When the wasp is full grown, it will use its mandibles to cut its way out of the “mummy”. The picture below may not actually be an aphid mummy but I put it here because they pretty much look like this but most photos I have seen show little legs sticking out, which this one does not appear to have. So this one is probably a Clitostethus arcuatus lady beetle pupae.



Assassin bug vs. leaf-footed bugs

Leaf-footed bugs (see photo below) will eat your fruit and veggies but assassin bugs only eat other bugs. Both of these insects have “beaks” that they stab into their prey before eating them. However, the assassin bugs beaks are much shorter. The leaf-footed bugs are at least half the length of their bodies or longer. The main difference in their appearance though is a leaf shape on their legs, close to their feet.

Unless you find leaf-footed bugs devouring a large quantity of your fruits and/or vegetables, they tend to do minimal damage. However, if you choose to catch them, the easiest way is to fill a jar with vinegar and oil, then slowly approach the bug(s) while placing the jar under them. Quickly push them into the jar with the lid. The grown ones can fly but they are slow. Just in case though, gloves are highly recommended to avoid getting jabbed!

**Please note, that while the leaf-footed bug laying her eggs, in this image is dark  gray, there is a gray assassin bug called a wheel bug that shouldn’t be confused with it. The wheel bug has what looks like a cogged gear on its back and is your garden’s friend. Also note that it’s hard to see the beak on this female because it is pressed against her body, underneath.


“Junk bug”

You may see a pile of debris moving around in your garden or on your patio. Not to be confused with bag worms, whose disguise looks like an organized bundle of conical-shaped tiny twigs. “Junk bugs” will use dead bugs, flower petals, and shed insect skins to hide itself from predators. So what are they?! They’re green lacewing larvae. You know, those wonderfully pretty flying insects that eat mosquitoes! Like ladybugs, I sometimes wrangle them. If they seem to be wandering aimlessly but I have a plant under attack by aphids or whiteflies, I put a stick in front of them to walk on, then relocate them to my plant. In the bottom right of the “junk bug” in the photo below, you can see two thin brown mandibles grabbing a white aphid or spider mite. In the video you can see it slide the pest into its mouth.

green lacewing larva AKA junkbug


green lacewing eggs


Paper Wasps

These insects get a bad rap! They are pollinators just as bees are. As you can see from this video, they also kill and eat caterpillars and grubs, which can destroy your garden by decimating plant leaves and roots. Hand picking larger pests, like tomato hornworm, is sometimes the best way to get them under control but wasps are a good back up for the ones you miss.

Paper wasps aren’t aggressive unless you bother their nest. Trying to knock it down with broom it down or spraying it will only agitate them. They can sting multiple times, so seriously think twice before being aggressive towards them.

There is a paper wasp nest right by our front door but they have never been bothered us when we were entering or exiting our house. I did rent a room in a house where the wasps outside the sliding patio door would lightly bop us when we entered the deck. The home owner soaked q-tips with sugar water and held it near their nest until one come sit on it and take a little sip! He did this regularly and they stopped bopping us!


Ensign wasp

The females of these midnight blue wasps are cockroach casing hunters. They search for the casings where hundreds of cockroach eggs are contained, then insert their own eggs inside of it. When the ensign wasp larvae hatch, they eat the cockroach eggs. These wasps are sensitive to boric acid, so if you use powdered boric acid as a barrier around your house to kill roaches, switch to tablets that roaches will eat but won’t get onto the wasps seeking them out.

As you can see from this video, ensign wasps have a characteristic way of moving. The tip of their stinger is flat and is attached to a separate tail piece that bobs up and down. This is unusual for a wasp, as most of them have a stinger at the tip of a rounded abdomen.

Tune in to Green – Exhibition Seven : Virtual Artists’ Chat

from upper right to left: Ebba Jahn (Berlin), Stephanie Reid (Austin, TX), Leslie Kell (Manchaca, TX), copywritten Tune in to Green logo, Daniel Lofgren (Hudson Valley, NY), and Caroline Walker (Austin, TX)

Some of the Tune in to Green – Exhibition Seven film makers virtually gathered to chat last weekend. Ebba Jahn, Leslie Kell, Daniel Lofgren, and myself (Stephanie Reid) were joined by guest artist, Caroline Walker. We discussed past and present art practices, the hope for future collaborations of immersive and augmented reality installations, the difficulties of monetizing art, and climate change news.

Watch the recording at or read the synopsis below.

Ebba Jahn let us know that due to high temperatures and little rain, the Rhine River in Germany, where she lives, is so low that shipping boats are having to lighten their loads in order to be able to float. She also reported that melting glaciers are causing rocks that have been trapped inside of them to frequently fall from the mountains to the valleys below where people live. They are constantly having to look up to make sure they don’t get struck by one!

Stephanie Reid discussed the recent news about monarch butterflies being placed on the endangered list and the need for organic gardening and to support organic farmers, and to vote for politicians who will protect the environment. Reid, who worked as an organic gardening consultant at, and as head (organic) gardener for a short-term rental property owner, gave a brief description of organic gardening. She also offered her services to anyone who need more info or assistance with this type of stewardship. Leslie Kell reminded us to plant lots of milkweek for the monarchs. Both noted that compared to recent years, not as many were seen this season.

Daniel Lofgren introduced us to the exceptionally cool art venue, Widow Jane Mine. The space is a labyrinth of caverns, which used to be a cement mine. A mushroom farm was also located there after the mining business closed there. Due to its exceptional acoustics, it makes a desirable location for performing artists of all kinds.


Tune in to Green – Exhibition Seven : Live Screening recap










The second live screening of a Tune in to Green exhibition took place at Sparky Pocket Park space in Austin, Texas on the night of Saturday, July 23rd. Seventeen people were in attendance to watch the watery, windy, and green short films of the 2022 summer show, Exhibition Seven. The 64-minute compilation is still available to rent for $7 USD, through August 31st at




































Featured works were by:

Wyn-Lyn Tan & Shawn Low –  Singapore; Adriana López Garibay –  Mexico/Spain; Ebba Jahn, Paul Hubweber, and Dirk Bell – Germany; Matthew Pell – Leicester, England; John Winn – Durham, North Carolina; Daniel Lofgren – New York; Stephanie Reid – Austin, Texas; Ata Mojilish – Bangladesh/Austin; Leslie Kell – Austin; Weston Lyon – Los Angeles; Millad Khonsorkh – Lisbon, Portugal; Nancy Wyllie – Providence, Rhode Island; and Hong Yane Wang – London


We kicked off the night with a BYO ice cream party, a summer-themed music mix, and explorations of the park.

  The show began with intros by the Austin artists in attendance – Stephanie Reid, Ata Mojilish, and Leslie Kell,

who also read a poem, from her Vestiges collection, to set the mood.


Comments of the night were:

“It was really nice to see something different for a change.”

“All of these films are so thought-provoking. I want to talk about all of them!”

“I’m still crying from Moth Vitals.”

“Wonderful curation”

“I feel calm after watching all of those watery films.”


(audience watches “Be As Water” by Leslie Kell of Austin, Texas)

(audience watches “Decay” by Ata Mojilish of Bangladesh & Austin, Texas)




(audience watches “Big Water” by Weston Lyon of Los Angeles)

(audience watches “Utopia” by Adriana López Garibay of Mexico & Spain)

Artist Talk: Tune in to Green – Exhibition Six

Another enjoyable Tune in to Green Artist Talk in the books! Some of the artists, with work in Tune in to Green – Exhibition Six, talked video art; dance and the landscape; unfolding storytelling; VJ’ing; foraging for food and found footage; how both wasps and bees are important pollinators that will leave you alone if you leave them alone…or feed them sugar water; and more! To listen to the recording with Mary Trunk – Los Angeles, California + Rachel Wagner / REW – Columbus, OHIO + Paulius Sliaupa – Lithuania / Belgium + the host, Stephanie Reid – Austin, Texas, click the play button below.


Tune in to Green – Exhibition Six : Live Screening recap








The first live screening of a Tune in to Green exhibition took place at

Casa de Luz in Austin, Texas on the evening of Saturday, April 16th. A dozen

people were in attendance. The 2022 Spring show, Exhibition Six was projected.

Featured works were by:

Paulius Šliaupa & Suzan Peeters – Belgium / Lithuania; Harvey Goldman & Jing Wang – Dartmouth, Massachusetts; Sinéad Curran – Dublin, Ireland; Laura Gillis – Toronto, Canada; Michael Lyons – Kyoto, Japan; Jung-Chul Hur – South Korea / Thailand; Stephanie Reid – Austin, Texas; REW (Rachel Wagner) & Galen Tipton –  Columbus, Ohio; Evie McKenna – Queens, New York: Katherine Balsley & Irina Escalante-Chernova: Atlanta, GA / Milwaukee, WI; Jody Zellen – Santa Monica, California; Mary Trunk – Altadena, California / Newfoundland, Canada;
Jean-Michel Rolland & Fran Lejeune – Marseille, France;
and Benna Gaean Maris – Belgium / Italy.






Comments of the night were:

“Thank you! I really needed that!”

“More fireflies!”

“District 7 inspired me to want to make a video poem.”

“I just loved Little Crown. That last scene reminded me of my Grandma.”

“All the flower films were so pleasing!”

“I didn’t want the show to end!”

“I really felt the tree and the man becoming one another in Symbiosis.”


(audience watches “Symbiosis” by Jim Rolland and Fran Lejeune of Marseilles, France)


Rent “Tune in to Green – Exhibition Six” before midnight to get $2 off!

In honor of Earth Day weekend, Tune in to Green – Exhibition Six will be $2 USD off the regular $7 rental price. That’s $5 for an hour of short films by international artists working in dialogue with nature. Offer expires on 4/24 at midnight U.S. Central Standard Time. To view the trailer and/or rent the show, visit 


Tune in to Green – Exhibition Six, Live Screening!

short film screening announcement


To watch the trailer, get more info, and purchase tickets visit:


Tune in to Green – Exhibition Six features micro-short films and sound pieces by experimental and expanded documentary makers around the globe. Themes such as Spring, care, motherhood, and femininity are presented in this show, using a myriad of forms and colors from 2D + 3D animation, 16mm film, video + effects, to dance.