Tune in to Green – Exhibition Seven : Live Screening recap

The second live screening of a Tune in to Green exhibition took place at Sparky Pocket Park space in Austin, Texas on the night of Saturday, July 23rd. Seventeen people were in attendance to watch the watery, windy, and green short films of the 2022 summer show, Exhibition Seven. The 64-minute compilation is still available to rent for $7 USD, through August 31st at https://vimeo.com/ondemand/tuneintogreen.
Featured works were by:
Wyn-Lyn Tan & Shawn Low – Singapore; Adriana López Garibay – Mexico/Spain; Ebba Jahn, Paul Hubweber, and Dirk Bell – Germany; Matthew Pell – Leicester, England; John Winn – Durham, North Carolina; Daniel Lofgren – New York; Stephanie Reid – Austin, Texas; Ata Mojilish – Bangladesh/Austin; Leslie Kell – Austin; Weston Lyon – Los Angeles; Millad Khonsorkh – Lisbon, Portugal; Nancy Wyllie – Providence, Rhode Island; and Hong Yane Wang – London
We kicked off the night with a BYO ice cream party, a summer-themed music mix, and explorations of the park.
The show began with intros by the Austin artists in attendance – Stephanie Reid, Ata Mojilish, and Leslie Kell,
who also read a poem, from her Vestiges collection, to set the mood.
Comments of the night were:
“It was really nice to see something different for a change.”
“All of these films are so thought-provoking. I want to talk about all of them!”
“I’m still crying from Moth Vitals.”
“Wonderful curation”
“I feel calm after watching all of those watery films.”

(audience watches “Be As Water” by Leslie Kell of Austin, Texas)

(audience watches “Decay” by Ata Mojilish of Bangladesh & Austin, Texas)

(audience watches “Big Water” by Weston Lyon of Los Angeles)

(audience watches “Utopia” by Adriana López Garibay of Mexico & Spain)